Summer moves in with Trish and her boyfriend Boss to begin a new life. Since Trish is not financially stable, she relies heavily on her boyfriend Boss for support. Summer attends a new High School and receives designer clothing, jewelry and money from Boss and Trish. Her ‘new look’ places her in the elite crowd at her school and among her peers in her neighborhood. She even receives the attention of Jus, one of the cutest boys in the neighborhood and one of Boss’ lieutenants in his organization. Overall, Summer is happy that her life is finally ‘normal’ but becomes more and more concerned for her sister Trish.
As the story progresses, the reader learns that Boss’s income is solely made from drug dealing. To make matters worse Boss has pulled Trish into the operation, sometimes puts her life at risk. Just when Trish tries to break ties with Boss, she is mysteriously killed. Summer, heartbroken and now without a family, suspects Boss for the murder. The story really picks up when Jus and Summer go on the run to hide from Boss and prove that he killed Trish. After Trish’s killer is revealed, Jus helps Summer put her life back together.
Marketed as “The Coldest Winter Ever” for teens, Babygirl Daniels gives readers a real page turner. “16 On The Block” contains some elements of ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ and ‘The Coldest Winter Ever.’ Since there’s violence, some language and one mildly graphic sexual scene, this book should only be added to high school collections. The story was a little rushed at the end, but overall was a good read and a good alternate title to some of the books marketed to an adult Urban Fiction audience. Teens can learn some life lessons in this edgy debut novel from Babygirl Daniels.
this book was a good book Babygirl Daniels contnue making good books and 1 question what kind of outfit was sumer wearing in the book because i want to be her for character day at my school and im one of your biggest fans