Part I - http://t.co/LwGPe9h
Part II - http://t.co/xc3WLxT
Part III - http://t.co/750rb7k

On Another Note...
During the month of February, there has been a lot of discussion about Street Lit. on a popular listserv that I subscribe to. Just in time for Black History month….hmm. After reading several of these posts, I concluded that a good number of the librarians and teachers have really invested the time and effort to explore and learn how this genre can be used with tweens/teens. On the other hand, I have also concluded that there are still a number of librarians and teachers that are still confused about the entire Street Lit. genre and which books should be classified as Street Lit. Moreover, some of their opinions of their students of color really concerns me. My heart goes out to the students of some of these school librarians. These librarians lack professional development and understanding in this area of their collection and quite frankly should enroll in some diversity training.
Suggestion: Some of these librarians should purchase Vanessa I. Morris “The Reader’s Advisory Guide to Street Literature.” The book is scheduled for a November release and will be an excellent reference for professors, librarians and lovers of the genre. You can also learn more about the genre by subscribing to her RSS feed and follow her posts. The articles are thought provoking and insightful.
I said it, I proclaim it, and I will defend what I believe.
Until next time, K.C.
Thank you for speaking the truth! BTW I really enjoyed the interview. Keep on keepin on.
ReplyDeleteThank you KC! Where'd you find that pic of me? lol